Marine Biology Major Admitted to her Top Choice Colleges
Jul 18, 2023
Three Key Takeaways:
- Anja Education Consultants provides personalized care, adapting communication methods to best suit the needs of each client, making the college application process feel easy and manageable.
- By breaking the college application process into digestible chunks, Anja Education Consultants helps students navigate the journey with less stress and a greater chance of success.
- Investing in expert guidance from Anja Education Consultants can open up new opportunities and provide invaluable support throughout the college application process, ultimately proving to be a wise investment for students and parents alike.
A Personalized Approach to the College Application Process
Belicia and her mom share their experience working with Anja Education Consultants, expressing gratitude for the personalized care they received. Belicia's mom remarks, "It felt like every time that we're in a conversation with you, we feel like we're the only ones in your world at that given moment, which is nice, it's nice to feel valued and special."
Effective Communication for a Smooth Journey
Both Belicia and her mom appreciated the excellent communication from Anja Education Consultants, which made the process feel easy and manageable. They were especially impressed by the team's ability to adapt their communication methods to best suit their preferences, utilizing both texting and email to provide guidance and support.
Breaking the Application Process into Digestible Chunks
As first-time college applicants, Belicia and her mom found the college application process daunting. However, with Anja Education Consultants' expertise, they were able to break the process down into manageable steps, ensuring a streamlined and stress-free experience. Belicia's mom explains, "Having somebody to kind of break things down into these digestible chunks, as Belicia said, really made things very easy."
Discovering New Opportunities and a Strong Support Network
Working with Anja Education Consultants allowed Belicia to discover colleges she hadn't previously considered, such as the University of San Francisco, and learn about the various opportunities they offered. Additionally, the guidance on crafting a strong essay and navigating the application process gave her a competitive edge. Belicia comments, "I don't know how I would have made it through the whole process without a little bit of help."
The Value of Investing in Expertise
Despite the initial hesitation about the cost of hiring a consultant, Belicia's mom ultimately found the investment to be well worth it. She explains, "You have to find that information on your own, which is time-consuming, and time is money. So having somebody to walk you through that is just, you can't really put a dollar on it, a dollar amount. It's priceless."
Transform Your College Application Journey with Anja Education Consultants
Anja Education Consultants' strategic and holistic approach can transform the college admissions process into a journey of self-discovery for both students and parents. With personalized care, effective communication, and expert guidance every step of the way, Anja Education Consultants can help make the daunting process of applying to college an enjoyable and successful experience.
Video Transcription
Belicia’s Mom:
I absolutely loved, her essay was super special.
It's one of those things I was like, we're going to save this forever because it's a
great story, so well written, but I would also say that the personalized care that we
got from your team was just absolutely phenomenal. I mean, it felt like every time that we're in a conversation with you, we feel like we're the only ones in your world at that given moment, which is nice, it's nice to feel valued and special, like you are taking your time to spend with us, and so that was just really, really wonderful.
I mean, it was so easy to communicate with everyone.
I mean, I felt like every step of the way, there was always someone helping us, get through each step, advising us, I'd say communication was really amazing.
Belicia’s Mom:
It was, and I think that your team was really good at figuring out what communication worked
best for us. I mean, her generation loves texting, I can do either that or email, I spend a lot of
time on the computer, so email was typically better for me, and it's like, you evaluated that and then used those methods that worked best for each individual person, so I thought the communication was very good.
It was nice to have someone help us through each step, so it didn't really feel like I was doing too much. The process was never really overwhelming or unmanageable, and I really appreciate that. Oh, yeah, that is, I couldn't have said any better.
Belicia’s Mom:
I think that when you first think about all the steps that are required to apply to college, it is overwhelming. I mean, that was part of why I started looking into resourcing for, you know, because I was like, I don't have the time or energy to spend helping her, and she'd never been through the process before, so she didn't really know what it entailed, so having somebody to kind of break things down into these digestible chunks, as Belicia said, really made things
very easy. It never felt overwhelming, like we didn't know, like we were being hand-led through
the process, and so it was never overwhelming. It was really streamlined and easy and pretty great.
I definitely recommend you guys. I mean, I don't know how I would have made it through the whole process without a little bit of help.
I mean, especially, like, if you don't know what you're doing, I could have missed so many opportunities. Like, I didn't know about USF. I didn't know that they offer, what they offered.
I didn't know how to write a proper essay or anything like that. I think it's just a really helpful resource.
Belicia’s Mom:
Yeah, and what's funny is that, of course, you know, these, she's been talking with her friends.
They're all applying to colleges at the same time and kind of sharing their feelings about that process, and everybody was just, like, grieving, like, oh, God, this is so terrible. And then she's like, oh, I had a good time. Yeah, I have a consultant, and it's easy. It's been great.
Yeah, and I also, compared to a lot of people that didn't have any kind of consultant or help, they're still doing stuff at the time. Like, it took them a long time, and it was, like, it was almost really difficult watching them. I feel like, comparatively, I got everything done so fast. Like, I mean, yeah, it didn't take long.
Belicia’s Mom:
Well, and you see, you know, there were a lot of opportunities that we didn't know were available.
Yeah, we probably wouldn't have known.
Belicia’s Mom:
Exactly, without the help of Anjali and her team.
So I think, you know, that's been a big thing, because I've actually talked to other parents whose students, you know, were really bright, did very well in high school, but they only applied to maybe two colleges, you know, just because it was such an overwhelming process. They're like, this is all I can bite off right now. But had they worked with a consultant, with Anjali's consultant, then they, you know, they might have not seen it as being such a hurdle to overcome, and they could have broadened their horizons a little bit by applying to more schools.
For a lot of families, maybe cost might be an issue. They may look at the cost of hiring a consultant and say, oh, you know, I just don't think that's something we can do right now.
I was in the same boat, but I definitely feel like it was worth every penny, because all of the steps that we took to get to where we are now, I just don't think that we, not that we couldn't have done them, but we wouldn't have known what those steps were going through the process, because nobody tells you those things.
You have to find that information on your own, which is time consuming, and time is money.
So having somebody to walk you through that is just, you can't really put a dollar on it, a dollar amount.
It's priceless.